About this Series
A good resource for Growth Group leaders is Teaching 1 Peter by Angus MacLeay. It is written for preachers and Bible study leaders and includes a good explanation of each passage followed by a Bible study. Most of the hard work is done for you! Paper-back. Costs less than $20 from nearby Christian bookshops.
| 1 Peter 2:11-25 | Mike McNamara |
We are urged by Peter to live as foreigners in the world and not call this world home. Live good lives so pagans see god in you. Submit yourselves to government authorities. Live as free people but do not use your freedom to cover up sin. Slaves submit to your masters good or harsh. It is commendable to endure unjust beatings for God just as Christ suffered for you. Christ bore our sins on the cross so that we might die to sin and live righteous lives.