About this Series
1 Corinthians
This is a series looking at one of the Apostle Paul’s longest letters. Corinth is in modern-day Greece and was a thriving commercial centre due to its proximity to the sea. As a church it certainly had its problems. But then what church doesn’t have problems?
1 Corinthians 6:1-8 | Jordan Hitchcock |
Church history is littered with disputes among Christians. This is largely because Christians are human beings and are not perfect. The early church experienced disputes of various sorts as we read in the pages of the Bible. Today's passage counsels Christians to sort out their problems without taking each other to court.
Paul Barnett says that this passage and last week's passage on immorality (1 Cor 5) are closely related. Both are examples of how inappropriate behaviour inside the church is bringing the gospel into disrepute. Paul wants the Corinthian church to put their house in order so that they can be an effective witness to the wider world (Paul Barnett - 1 Corinthians p.89).