About this Series
1 Corinthians
This is a series looking at one of the Apostle Paul’s longest letters. Corinth is in modern-day Greece and was a thriving commercial centre due to its proximity to the sea. As a church it certainly had its problems. But then what church doesn’t have problems?
1 Corintians 7:1-16 | Peter MacPherson |
Marriage and Singleness
Today we begin looking at 1 Corinthians 7 which raises lots of issues about singleness and marriage. Fundamentally Paul is saying that both marriage and singleness are good. Each state has its benefits. He appears to have been single himself and believes this has allowed him to concentrate on "the Lord's affairs" (v.32) with an undivided focus. But he knows not everyone is gifted this way (v.7) and so marriage is the appropriate and divinely ordained state for men and women to live together. As we look at these issues over the coming month we are aware they may cause pain or uncertainty for some people. Be assured that whatever your past, and whatever your present state, God is a good God and wants the best for us. Please be assured the staff team are available to talk to or pray with. Peter MacPherson