About this Series

The Apostle Paul is writing to some new Christians who were living in present-day Turkey. The early church there had been disturbed by false teaching saying that Jesus is not enough for salvation. In response Paul writes about the supremacy, centrality and sufficiency of Jesus. The issues may be ancient but they are also still contemporary.

Here are three resources to help your personal or group study of Colossians:
1. Bible-study Guide - 'Confident Christianity' by Mark Meynell (Good Book Company);
2. 'The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon' by Douglas J. Moo (The Pillar New Testament Commentary Series);
3. 'Colossians and Philemon' by N.T. Wright (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries).

17 January, 2015 ()

Bible Text: Colossians 1:15-20 |


| Colossians 1:15-20 | Mike McNamara |

The supremacy, uniqueness and sufficiency of Jesus permeates this wonderful letter. False teachers in Colossae were saying that Jesus was simply not enough but Paul argues that if we have Christ we have all we need for a true and complete faith. In an age where the unique place of Jesus is dismissed out of hand, this letter demonstrates why Christians in 2015 can have full confidence in the One who is 'before all things'.

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