About Beverley

Role: Course Coordinator (part-time), responsible for facilitating the Marriage Preparation, Marriage Course, Parenting Children and Parenting Teenagers courses.

Background: Graduate Diploma of Divinity (Ridley Melbourne, 2004 – 2008). Prepare/Enrich relationship counsellor training (2009), Foccus relationship counsellor training (2009), Healing Prayer Ministry course (Sonrise Family Ministries, 2004-2005). I also have extensive qualifications in Nursing and Midwifery.

Family: I’m married to Graeme and we have three adult children and two grandchildren.

Passionate about: Seeing people come to faith and grow in the knowledge and personal experience of Jesus Christ. Seeing relationships nurtured and transformed through knowledge, choice and God’s grace.

Hobbies: My garden: designing, digging, weeding, propagating, watching for new growth and enjoying the seasonal changes. Hands on creativity with patchwork, quilting, knitting and repair jobs for the family! Always time for a good story whether it’s a book, film or chat over coffee.

Beverley’s Story

As a teenager, searching for the truth about God, I discovered that there were people who really believed in his existence. I wanted to find out more.

Reading the Bible and talking to friends helped me to understand who the person of Jesus was and why he died. I was struck by how much God was interested in me. He really loved me, and cared about me personally. I could have a ‘relationship’ with him! There was a purpose to my existence.  Those first steps of faith began with some knowledge and some understanding, but the experience of his supernatural presence with me as I knelt by my bed in prayer, overwhelmed me with tears of joy. God is real!

Since then I have learnt and experienced more of God, his nature and the work of his Spirit through my Lord Jesus Christ. He has journeyed with me, through the ups and downs of life, the joys and challenges. His gentle guiding presence and sometimes the dramatic ‘shove’ has led me to ministry here at St Alfred’s. He has enriched my life and pastorally I am encouraged to serve God so that by his Spirit he may personally encourage, strengthen and comfort others.