In exciting news, the Going Bananas school holiday program is back. Going Bananas is a popular, fun-filled program held in the second week of the winter holidays. Started in the late 1990s, it returned in 2023. Run by an army of volunteers, this year’s program promises to be fast-paced, packed with opportunities for the children to meet and befriend other kids, mix with well-trained leaders and participate in a large range of fun activities. All leaders of this program have a Working With Children check and you can read our Child Safe Policy here. Each day starts at 9.30am and wraps up at 12.15pm.
Activities include songs, craft, games and a crazy thing called bananaerobics, where children get to burn off excess energy before heading into story time. Leaders tell Bible stories in fun, engaging and often interactive ways. There are also puppet shows and dramas, some of which will be pre-filmed. The program is also attended by a loveable character named Professor Starshine, there to answer the kids’ trickiest questions, even though he’s physically unable to speak. Going Bananas will fuel the imagination of all who attend. The program is free.