Welcome to St Alfred’s. Our mission is to help people become mature followers of Jesus Christ. We seek to model the love of Jesus and we hope you find authentic Christian community here.
If you’re new we’d love to hear from you. Use the connect form below to contact us, ask questions and find out more. A staff member will reply to you shortly.
Are you looking for a church to belong to? If St Alfred’s is right for you the following steps will help you deepen relationships: choose a weekly service, join a growth group, explore ways to serve and partner with us financially.
St Alfred's is now open for services and events. There are two weekly Sunday services, 10am and 6pm, and one Wednesday service once a month.
The Sunday 10am service has a children's program for prep to year 8. There is also a program for pre-schoolers.
The Sunday 6pm service is for all ages, and has a more contemporary feel than the morning service.
The Wednesday 10am service, once a month.
Online Services are still available by clicking on one of the orange buttons above.
Good Friday 10am service with Kid's program. Good Friday 7:30pm service Prayer & Praise
Easter Sunday 10am service has a children's program for prep to year 8. There is also a program for preschoolers.
Easter Sunday 6pm service with Baptism, is for all ages, and has a more contemporary feel than the morning service.