About this Series
Our major Old Testament preaching series in Judges is called "Faithful and Flawed" which represents the tension throughout the entire book. In some ways it is a very dark book. It begins with war and death (1:1) and ends in chaos – "in those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit" (21:25).
In between we will meet a series of leaders who are sometimes exemplars of faithfulness but more often embody the flawed human nature that bedevils us all. Throughout the troubling narrative there is an ever faithful God who continues to work with his people despite all their failings.
| Judges 13 | David Williams |
This week we meet the last of the major figures in the book of Judges: Samson. Unlike the other judges we get a very detailed story about his birth. Without any doubt it is a miracle birth. We can see clearly and unambiguously that God's hand is on Samson even before he is born. There are echoes of other miracle births in the Bible (Isaac, John the Baptist, and even Jesus). Presumably God has great and important work for Samson to do. And yet, like the judges who have preceded him, Samson will be prove to be flawed. If we have learnt one thing from Judges it is that God can work through imperfect people.