18 November, 2018 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Acts 2:42-47 | Mike McNamara
Series: Issues of Life and Faith
4 November, 2018 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Psalm 23 | Andy Vance, Peter MacPherson
28 October, 2018 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Mark 6:6-13; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 | Ps Ray Minniecon
21 October, 2018 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Ps 24:1-10; Rom 8:18-25; Gen 1:27-28; Lk 10:25-37 | Chris Mulherin
21 October, 2018 (Sundays at 6pm)
Bible Text: Psalm 24:1-10; Romans 8:18-25; Genesis 1:27-28; Luke 10:25-37 | Chris Mulherin
14 October, 2018 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Isaiah 65:17-25, Revelation 21:1-4 | Tim Foster
7 October, 2018 (Sundays at 10am)
Bible Text: Isa 26:1-4; Phil 4:4-9 | Ginney MacPherson